Minneapolis Pastor Luke Swanson joins Pastor Perkins and Pastor Watts to talk about the protests as well as race relations among pastors in Minneapolis. Pastor Watts discusses divisions within the African American church, and how important it is that the church demonstrate that Black lives matter through pursuing justice and equity in every area of society. The pastors then discuss how White folks can move toward confession and lament instead of defensiveness and how the question of "who is my neighbor" can guide meaningful responses. Pastor Watts suggests where people can start if they want to make a difference. Pastor John talks about the tension between power and authority.
Resources relevant to this episode:
Stephen Jackson talks about his friend George Floyd
A list of damaged buildings in Minneapolis
Rediscipling the White Church - book recommended by Pastor Luke Swanson
University of Pennsylvania 2015 report on the disproportionate impact suspension and expulsion on Black students
Commissioned to Love: https://commissioncircles.com