Ending a story is a great feeling. It's also kind of like staggering across a finish line after a very long and gruelling ultra-marathon. In this week's podcast, I take you into the process that I just went through of finishing a draft of my new book and what I'm going to do next. In writing, the work is never really done, is it? But finishing your stuff is a powerful move that will grow your artistic practice and push your limits. ------
If you took something from this episode, I would love for you to take a screenshot and share this on your socials so that other aspiring novelists can also take something from it. Don't forget to tag me at @davidallanpetale.
My mission is to help as many aspiring authors as I can, so they can become more confident writers who actually write the THING.
I would really appreciate it if you could share this episode with a writing buddy, or on your social media, to help me spread the word that it IS possible to write a novel.
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