We’re back for part 2 of the MicroBook Magic Author Showcase! Hurrah! Party! This week, we’ll hear from Sarah Milne, Yinka Ewuola, and Sharon Blue as they read from their upcoming MicroBooks. If you’d like to join us for Season 3 of MicroBook Magic and write your own book by May Day, check the link in the show notes!
Key Takeaways:
[1:20] A little bit about Sarah and her microbook!
[4:50] Sarah reads a bit of her microbook.
[12:15] A little bit about Yinka and why she decided to write this book.
[23:15] Remember to keep writing! The world needs your books.
[23:55] Sharon shares her story and why she wanted to write her book!
[30:30] Vicky loves Sharon’s book because we all think we know what self care is, but we actually don’t.
Mentioned in This Episode:
Book Breakthrough Jam
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Email Vicky about 1:1 coaching at: vicky@moxiebooks.co.uk
MicroBook Magic