Welcome back to Mike’s Nerd Bytes, —Snack-Size Bytes of Tech, Science, and More!
On this episode, we’re beaming back in time to one of the coolest mixtapes ever created — the Voyager Golden Record.
This is a record that was sent into space, carrying the sounds and music of Earth. But what’s on it? And why was it created?
Thanks for tuning in to Mike’s Nerd Bytes! 🎙️ Get your snack-sized fix of fun science, tech facts, quirky history, and mind-blowing inventions in every episode.
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🔍 Keywords: Science podcast, tech podcast, fun facts, quirky history, inventions, discoveries, science history, educational podcast, STEM, learning while laughing, short podcast, geek culture, bite-sized learning
#SciencePodcast #TechFacts #FunScience #STEM #ScienceHistory #NerdBytes #PodcastLover #LearnSomethingNew