Facing more new topics, boldly, Jacqui and Ush reveal more about themselves after discussing a topic that still seems to be unnecessarily taboo in our culture: disordered eating. Joni Seeto is a former binge-eater turned therapist who specialises in helping women to stop self-sabotaging with food. Her unique Weightless™ method helps women make peace with food, reclaim their worth and feel good in their own skin again. With qualifications in Rapid Transformational Therapy, Eating Psychology and 10+ years of corporate leadership and development experience, Joni combines hypnotherapy and coaching to help women get to the root of their lifelong struggle with food and achieve long-lasting results.
If you want to find out why you keep turning to food (even when you’re determined not to!) take Joni’s free Decode Your Cravings quiz here: https://www.joniseeto.com/quiz or get in touch with Joni on Instagram @joniseeto