
  • Gratitude and Giving with Dana Lee Harris
    Nov 27 2024

    This week, we welcome Dana Lee Harris to the podcast.

    Dana Harris was born in California, and grew up in both Hawaii and Vancouver, BC. She developed an interest in the hospitality business very early and gained front-of-house experience as a server while taking sales, marketing, business, and event management courses.

    Her father’s hobby wine import business gave her a great introduction to the field of beverage sales, and she worked briefly with his company before it was sold to an agency that she worked with for 13 years. Subsequently, she became the Regional Manager for Robert Mondavi in 2002 and then started her own marketing, PR and events business in 2006 along with being the executive Director of the BC Hospitality Foundation for 3 years. She gives back as a volunteer on many levels... as a fitness instructor, a member of Les Dames d’Escoffier, a board member with the BC Hospitality Foundation and on several hospitality-related committees.

    She has been married To Dean for over 24 years and is a new grandmother of Charlie, who was named after her father. She loves to golf, workout, entertain and be entertained.

    Exchange Quotes:

    “No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf

    “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping,” – Fred Rogers

    “Giving thanks, expressing our gratitude to others, and giving back in even the smallest of ways all add a true richness to our lives.” – Kathy Davis

    Exchange Links:

    Join the Epic Exchanges Story Circle

    We are @epicexchanges on Facebook and Instagram


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    41 min
  • Recovered People Pleaser with Pearl Chiarenza
    Nov 20 2024

    This week, we welcome Pearl Chiarenza to the podcast.

    Pearl Chiarenza is best known for helping women authentically put themselves first without guilt. Professionally, she is known as a transformational life coach, author, and speaker that helps women become the SHERO of their life. She loves empowering women to put on their "SHERO Cape" and assume the superpower of positive mindset despite any challenges life throws your way. Pearl has been married to Chuck for 35 years and is a mom of two boys Matt (forever 25) and Nate 23.

    Exchange Quotes:

    “When you engage in people pleasing you are out of integrity with yourself, your goals, your dreams, and your life’s mission.” – Eileen Anglin

    “Don’t be afraid of losing people but be afraid of losing yourself trying to make everyone happy.” – Naguib Mahfouz

    Exchange Links:

    Take Pearl’s quiz at https://pearlssurvey.com/pqquiz

    Head to Pearl’s website: https://www.wsliving.com

    Connect with Pearl on Social Media @pearlchiarenza

    We are @epicexchanges on Facebook and Instagram


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    30 min
  • Human Durability with Derrick McManus
    Nov 13 2024

    This week, we welcome Derrick McManus to the podcast.

    Derrick McManus was a police officer in Australia for 42 years. Many of those years were spent as part of the Special Task And Rescue, or STAR team. Similar to SWAT or Seal team, these officers were the ones called in the more difficult situations. On one of these tasks, he was shot 14 times with an automatic rifle, was close to death, but 2 years later returned to full his full duties on the team. After retiring six years ago, Derrick now works as a motivational speaker and workshop leader, talking and teaching about human durability.

    Exchange Quotes:

    “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life through conscious endeavour.” – Henry David Thoreau

    “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence.” = Peter A. Levine

    Exchange Links:

    Find Derrick on his website at www.derrickmcmanus.com

    Connect with Derrick on social media @derrickmcmanus

    Follow @epicexchanges on Facebook and Instagram


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    51 min
  • Failing Forward with Pete Partin
    Nov 6 2024

    This week, we welcome Pete Partin to the podcast.

    Pete Partin is a motivational speaker, author, and artist who overcame extreme childhood abuse, bullying, trauma, and a stroke that forced him to learn how to speak again. Pete’s goal is to share his light and his story of hope and resilience with others to show how anyone can overcome challenges, pain, or trauma.

    Exchange Quotes:

    “Survival can be summed up in three words – never give up. That’s the heart of it really. Just keep trying.” – Bear Grylls

    “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” – Maya Angelou

    Exchange Links:

    Follow Pete on Facebook - @PositivelyPete, TikTok @positively_pete and LinkedIn @petepartin

    Follow @epicexchanges on Facebook and Instagram


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    29 min
  • Just Take Action with Julie DeLucca-Collins
    Oct 30 2024

    This week, we welcome Julie DeLucca-Collins to the podcast.

    Growing up in El Salvador before moving to the United States, Julie DeLucca-Collins struggled with feelings that she could not, and would not, ever belong, before intentionally seeking to uplevel her confidence. In her TEDx speech, Julie talks about constant feelings of being "too much" or "too little" for certain groups of people, struggling to find somewhere she belongs. Her journey to finding belonging and self-confidence is an important story for anyone struggling to find where they belong in the world. Julie is the Host of the Casa DeConfidence Podcast, aTEDx Speaker, and the CEO of Go Confidently Services.

    Exchange Quotes:

    “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau

    “Go confidently with your dreams and a whole new world of possibilities will open up to you.” – Mackenzie Glanville

    Exchange Links:

    Find Julie on her website at www.wrgoconfidentlycoaching.com

    You can also follow Julie on Facebook - @jdelucca, Instagram @julie_deluccacollins, and TikTok @juliedcbusinesscoach

    Follow @epicexchanges on Facebook and Instagram

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    28 min
  • The Power of the Pivot with Dr. Leticia Wright
    Oct 23 2024

    This week, we welcome Dr. Leticia Wright to the podcast.

    Dr. Letitia Wright is the Executive Producer and Host of Wright Place TV which has run on cable for over 22 years. A Former Chiropractor, Dr. Wright transitioned into the Media World. Wright Place TV is in its 23rd season with a bandwidth spanning over 6.5 million homes throughout Southern California and beyond. In addition to her media work, she is a Top 100 Crowdfunding Expert in the United States, focusing on putting funding and money into the hands of women and minority owned businesses.

    Exchange Quotes:

    “A pivot is a change in strategy without a change in vision.” – Eric Ries

    “Pivoting does not mean changing your goal but rather changing your strategy to realize that goal.” – Steve Pemberton

    Exchange Links:

    Find Leticia on her website at www.wrightplacetv.com

    You can also follow Dr. Wright on Facebook - @DrLWright, LinkedIn @drleticiawright, and TikTok @yourcrowdfundingexpert

    Follow @epicexchanges on Facebook and Instagram


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    28 min
  • Season of Gratitude
    Oct 16 2024

    As Canada celebrated Thanksgiving this past weekend, we are not entering what we like to call the Season of Gratitude, that takes us through US Thanksgiving and into the December holiday season. Practicing gratitude is way more than just being thankful. It changes how we show up in the world, it helps us find healing, and then gives us even more to be grateful for.

    Exchange Quotes:

    "If you can take your worst day and find something to turn it into your best day, then you find grace and gratitude. And life is always a gift." - Tony Robbins

    "Being thankful changes your perspective. The discipline of gratefulness has the ability to redeem even the most awful day." - Robyn Tidrick in "The Strength to Shift"

    Exchange Links:

    Follow our Season of Gratitude on Facebook and Instagram @EpicExchanges

    Get your copy of The Strength to Shift or Your Story Your Strength on Amazon today.


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    13 min
  • Throwing Paint Around with Debbie Crouch
    Oct 9 2024

    This week, we welcome Debbie Crouch to the podcast.

    Debbie Crouch is an inspiring artist and the founder of Art for Wellness CIC, where she uses creativity as a tool for personal growth and healing. Overcoming challenges such as a difficult childhood, neurological disorders, and a mental breakdown, she rediscovered her passion for art as a form of self-expression and therapy. Today, she empowers others to embrace their creativity and inner voice on their path to wellness and self-love.

    Exchange Quotes:

    "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." — C.S. Lewis

    "You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." — Maya Angelou

    Exchange Links:

    Find Debbie on FB @artforwellness and IG @art.for.wellness.cic

    Listen to Debbie’s podcast Create Your Best Life on Podbean.

    Follow @epicexchanges on Facebook and Instagram


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    24 min