It's been almost 6 months since there's been an episode of Tools For Tools with Ninja & The Birdman. In this catch-up episode, Tom and Hardee talk about what they've been doing during the pandemic to keep their businesses (and minds) afloat and how those changes have affected them personally. Tom talks about innovations he made at Rise to keep his employees working and Hardee reflects on how to teach a contact sport via video.
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Hardee Merrit (aka Ninja) is the owner of Chapel Hill Quest Martial Arts. He has been studying To-Shin Do Ninjitsu for 21 years and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for 16 years. He is an avid outdoorsman. Many of his skills, teachings, and product reviews are shared on his website The Ninja Everyday.
Tom Ferguson (aka The Birdman) is a chef/entrepreneur who is currently the CEO of Rise. A workaholic who has faced many struggles in his life, he now finds solace in the practice of birdwatching and photography and hopes to share this experience with others. To connect with him and fellow birders check out Your Birding Story on Facebook.
Recorded and edited by Jon Gregory (aka Juan Huevos)
Music by Jon Gregory
Stay tuned for more episodes of the podcasts Your Birding Story (Tom) and The Ninja Everyday (Hardee) coming soon. Coronatose from Juan Huevos is also streaming new episodes.