Tammy Kay is an educator serving in School District #67 (Okanagan Skaha). She has served in a variety of roles and currently is an Instructional Coach for the district. Tammy reflects upon her journey with the Spirals of Inquiry including the ways that it continues to uplift all students in their learning no matter the school location or environment.
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Visit the home of the Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education (https://noiie.ca)
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Connect with the Host:
On X @MissAshleyAoki (https://twitter.com/MissAshleyAoki)
On LinkedIn @AshleyAoki (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-aoki-88510328b/)
Books written by Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser:
Leading Through Spirals of Inquiry: For Equity and Quality
Leadership Mindsets: Innovation and Learning in the Transformation of Schools
Background Music Mixed by Jeffrey Lorne