Hey Mamas, welcome back to the mama needs podcast. My guest today is Kristen King Jaiven who is a wife, mother, lawyer and now children’s book author. We’re going to chat about her book today called “Mommy’s Time”, a beautiful story of a mom taking the time to take care of herself so she can take care of her little one. It is the sweetest book and it’s one of those children’s stories that really hits home for the person reading it, too.
You’ll hear why Kristen wrote it, what self-care means to her and her favorite part of the book, too. Plus you guys, we’re doing a giveaway! Go to our instagram post (@mamaneedsbox) to get all the details and enter to win the “Mommy’s Time” book + Mommy’s Time coffee mug. Now, enjoy my episode with Kristen.
Find Kristen + Links:
Mommy’s Time Book: https://www.kristenkingjaiven.com/book
Mommy’s Time Mug + Book Combo: https://www.kristenkingjaiven.com/product-page/mommy-s-time-combo
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067900805202
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mommystime.thebook/
Book she’s reading: https://amzn.to/3CIUZpg