"I've had enough!!"
"Stop the world, I wanna get off!"
Heard these expressions? Maybe you've said them?
Life can sometimes seem like a trial - one thing after another, problems piling up...
Peter gives us reassurance in his first epistle:
"So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though the going is rough for a while down here."
Of course, nothing we endure could ever get anywhere near the trials faced by Job - yet Job managed to remain faithful (even if he DID have a good old moan!)
Tonight's meeting looks to encourage us at these times of trial. Of course, praising God will always make us feel better - so we have some praise! Remembering to rely on Him and letting Him no how much we appreciate His presence is also important, of course, and it's lovely to hear Alistair Taylor's wonderful setting of 'I Need Thee' to help us.
Add some more beautiful songs and a timeless selection by Major Leslie Condon - and you have a taste of what to expect in another hour of that unique Salvation Army fellowship!