While Brent was off completing a side-quest, Ivor and Stars interviewed Jordan Wildon. As a true renaissance man, Jordan is a journalist, software engineer, and manager. He currently works as a manager for the Institute for Strategic Dialogue. As a journalist, he helped break the #hartleaks story when he worked for logically.ai. As a software engineer, he created the open source telegram tool Telepathy. In this wide-ranging conversation the lads giggled about hartleaks & magnets, but spent most of the time discussing OSINT, disinformation, and the ups and downs of being involved in open source research. Links Jordan Wildon Twitter Mastodon Telepathy DB Twitter Github The Lads Stars Of Covid Twitter Link Tree Dr Ivor Mectin Twitter Brent Lee Twitter On Echo Chambers Jordan discussed a paper: Loopholes in the Echo Chambers: How the Echo Chamber Metaphor Oversimplifies the Effects of Information Gateways on Opinion Expression And Stars discussed a freakonomics podcast The unintended consequences of working from home