Topic: The Issue of Abuse, Prevention & Healing
Welcome, Beloved! This week, we are diving into Week 3 of our Let Our Children Go series by Rebecca Greenwood. Today’s episode focuses on Chapter 6, The Tragedy of Abuse. This is a heavy but critical conversation that we, as believers, must engage in.
I’ll be covering:
✅ Why this conversation is important, especially for believers and the church
✅ God’s heart for children and His call to protect the vulnerable
✅ What we can do to prevent abuse and equip our children with the tools they need
I have worked with countless women in inner healing and deliverance sessions who have experienced childhood abuse, and I’ve seen firsthand the pain and strongholds that stem from it. But I’ve also witnessed God’s miraculous healing and restoration!
Let’s dive in and stand for the protection and healing of God’s children.
📖 Matthew 18:1-6 – Jesus’ heart for children and the severity of harming them
📖 Proverbs 31:8-9 – Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves
📖 Isaiah 1:17 – Seeking justice, defending the oppressed
🔹 Abuse is more common than we realize. The book shares staggering statistics on pages 82-84 of "Let our Children Go", emphasizing the prevalence of child abuse.
🔹 God calls us to protect children. Children are precious in His sight, and there are serious consequences for those who harm them.
🔹 Abuse has lasting effects. Trauma impacts not just emotions but physical health, spiritual identity, and future relationships.
🔹 Prevention is key. Conversations about safe and unsafe touch should start early.
🔹 Grooming happens in trusted environments. Awareness and education are essential in homes, churches, and schools.
📖 God Made All of Me – A fantastic tool for teaching kids about safe and unsafe touch in an age-appropriate way.
📝 Keep Our Bodies Safe Lesson & Parent Guide – A guided resource for parents to have intentional conversations with children ages 2-10.
✨ Affirmation Cards – Speak words of identity and truth over your children!
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Next week, we’ll discuss how to respond when abuse occurs, how to support survivors, and the healing and deliverance God offers.
Thank you for tuning in, and let’s rise up to protect, equip, and heal!
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