Nothing hits home more than nostalgia – and the next film in our “Tribute to Ian” series if chock full of it. We’re jumping into the 70s to discuss the (outlier) George Lucas film “American Graffiti”. This week, Adam is joined by Chas Messmer (from our “The Blair Witch Project episode”) to discuss this much beloved film: the epic soundtrack, the idea of this movie as a “comedy”, and the legacy that George Lucas will leave behind. Also, this week Chas recommends Nia DaCosta’s “Candyman” (currently in theaters) and Adam recommends “Unfriended (currently on Netflix).
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Intro/Outro music is “Bouncy Gypsy Beats” by John Bartmann.
0:00 – Intros
3:34 – “Candyman”
8:36 – “Unfriended”
14:02 – “American Graffiti” Stats/History
34:00 – “American Graffiti” Plot/Thoughts
1:20:40 – Final Thoughts/Replacements?