On March 28th, the New York Times Magazine published a powerfully revealing article about young adults caring for their aging parents - while trying to earn a living, parent their children, and preserve their own health. The statistics were dramatic. "The share of caregivers who are under 45 quintupled over the past two decades, to nearly 66 percent from 16 percent." These caregivers are "often shouldering the burden with no pay and little outside help", even from other family members. The magazine article profiles Randi Schofield as she spirals downward attempting to meet the needs of her father, who suffers from car accident injuries complicated by other long-standing health issues. Our Lynn's Legacy: Caring for the Caregiver program was created out of our own caregiving experience to respond to the extraordinary needs of family caregivers in distress. In this podcast, we share insights into the physical and emotional toll caregivers like Randi experience, and how Lynn's Legacy can help. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/28/magazine/elder-child-care-millennials.html