In this episode of Desire Rewire, Dr. Trish Leigh tackles Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction (PIED)—a growing issue often linked to excessive porn use. Learn how porn affects your brain, leading to desensitization and sexual dysfunction.
Dr. Trish explains how Neuroplasticity and rewiring your brain can help restore healthy sexual function and meaningful connections. If you're struggling with performance anxiety, arousal issues, or relationship difficulties due to porn, this episode is for you.
00:00 - ED Pills Aren’t for You? Let’s Talk Alternatives
00:11 - Why ED Pills Don’t Work for Everyone
03:32 - Dopamine Floods and Sexual Arousal Dysfunction
04:48 - Resetting the Pendulum Effect in Your Brain
07:10 - The Happiness Trifecta: Healthy Pleasure Goals
08:28 - Neuroplasticity: Rewiring for a Better Life
10:48 - Breaking Free from Conditioning and Triggers
15:18 - The Danger of Escalation and Tolerance
16:29 - How Stress and Anxiety Reinforce ED
18:55 - Neurofeedback: A Neuroscience-Based Solution
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Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, and Sex Addiction Recovery Coach. I am on a mission to help people heal their brains from porn use.
My podcasts are designed to help you learn that:
🎯Porn Damages Your Brain,
🎯Porn Impairs Your Mental and Physical Health, and
🎯Porn Destroys Your Relationships.
Subscribe to this channel for 🧠 tips to:
✅Quit Porn for Good
✅Heal Your Brain from Porn
✅Get Motivated in Your Life
✅Repair Your Mental & Physical Health
✅Heal Erectile Dysfunction
If you need more help, I can work directly with you.
Check out the programs below.
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