They say you can’t improve what you don’t measure. So what do we do? Maturity assessments? KPIs? Metrics? How do we translate all of this information into an effective story. What does good look like for your organization? Stick around and find out.
Hello everyone, and welcome to episode 159 of the Resilient Journey podcast, presented by the Resilience Think Tank.
This week, we discuss the ‘why, what, when, and how’ of program measurement and maturity assessments with industry veteran Stuart Murray. Stuart emphasizes the importance of telling your story by reporting on what truly matters to your executive team. He explains that simply counting completed BIAs or updated plans doesn’t convey the full picture. Instead, he highlights three key areas of effective measurement: completeness, quality, and compliance. Stuart reminds us that having complete plans doesn’t necessarily mean they are of high quality.
Plus, Mark explores the KPIs that executives prioritize, setting the stage for a future episode.
Be sure to follow The Resilient Journey! We sure do appreciate it!
Learn more about the Resilience Think Tank here.
Want to learn more about Mark? Click here or on LinkedIn or Twitter.
Special thanks to Bensound for the music.