Today's episode is sponsored by (SouthardDesigns.COM). If you're an indie music fan, check out our partner podcast over at ( - G Slade interviews a new indie artist every week and plays a few tracks hand picked by the artists. This week we are invaded by the most excellent Captain Vulpine! who is a fellow indie music artist. Catch his badassery here >> ( We are big fans of donating to your local foodbanks, and if you need help finding one in your area, go to ( and see what's near you! If you donate you're a real one! Got feedback for us? Tweet us (@friestoday1) If this is your first time hearing us, check the archives at ( for all the episodes you missed out on so far! If you like what you're hearing, please subscribe and leave us rave five star reviews on your favorite podcast platforms! (If your platform does that. If not, go find us on Apple Podcasts and leave some five star reviews.) Thanks so much for stopping by today!