www.GoodAthleteProject.com Today, Jim sits down with Reilly Dampeer, the Head Rowing Coach and High-Performance Program Director at OKC National High-Performance Center. Continuing her sixteenth year coaching rowing, Coach Dampeer continues to build a strong development program for rowing in the United States. Since 2010, Dampeer has coached various national team athletes at the Olympic Games, Senior U23 and U19 World Championships, Pan American Games, and World Cups. All of her success is no accident. She continues to develop training programs, technical coaching ability, and has become an all-around expert at innovating and integrating emerging science in rowing. We’re so excited to bring you this episode, and to share with you some of the great things happening inside OKC’s National High-Performance Center. Make sure to like, share, and subscribe to the Good Athlete Podcast. And now, Reilly Dampeer. Instagram: @GoodAthleteProject Twitter: @Coach4Kindness Reilly Dampeer Instagram: @reillydampeer Episode 67 w/ Reilly Dampeer: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/episode-67-reilly-dampeer-okc-high-performance-rowing/id1278410201?i=1000434518913