I might be a liar but at least I produce. I bring you an albeit late episode, but pretty great one. I offend all my international listeners at the end but I'm pretty sure everyone is gone at this point anyway. I have my first guest star... unwillingly. We also see if Annabeth is alive or if she dead and this is the end of the book? Which one will it be? I'm pretty sure no one will be able to guess what happens in Chapter 42-43. We talk about some hot topics... PTSD, mental health, abortion... and whether you should try to abort your baby in front of your friendly, neighborhood EMT in a hospital.
Here is the link for Rising from Dust!
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Email Me! @ risingfromobscuritypodcast@gmail.com
Narrated by: R.M. Grant
Edited By: R.M. Grant
Music: M87 by Caleb Etheridge