In this episode, I’m gonna be talking about what you need to let go of from your past in order to become the new version of yourself. There’s a lot of things, situations, and people that you’re gonna have to let go of in order for you to be able to move forward to be the best version of yourself. How you have to let go of things, and people that do not serve you for the new direction that you’regoing in? How a lot of people‘s codependency is gonna be the reason why they’re not able to reach their full potential, and do whatever it is that they’re meant to do? oh, there are a lot of people that are basing their whole existence on validation to the point where they end up losing themselves in the process. How validation and codependency has destroyed a lot of people’s lives? So we are gonna be talking about some of these things based upon codependency and validation that you’re going to have to get rid of in order to be the new version of yourself,
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