• Episode 19: BOCCA

  • Jun 2 2023
  • Durée: 8 min
  • Podcast

  • Résumé

  • BOCCA 

    From the Latin BUCCA = cheek, it then acquired the new meaning of MOUTH

    La bocca, can be LARGA // STRETTA // REGOLARE //

    CHE ARRIVA AGLI ORECCHI, mouth that opens up to the ears

    CHE PARE UN FORNO, which looks like a oven 

    SDENTATA, with no teeth

    We have expressions like:

    A BOCCA PIENA , with a mouth full

    ACQUA IN BOCCA! Water in your mouth — don’t spill the beans, don’t share this secret! BOCCONE, a bite of something 

    ‘Mangio un boccone a casa e arrivo’

    ‘I’ll grab a quick bite at home and I’ll be there’.

    Bocca  as opening or entrance

    la bocca del tunnel = the mouth of the tunnel

    la bocca del vulcano = the mouth of the volcano

    la bocca del vaso = the mouth of the vase

    la bocca del fiume = the mouth of the river

    la bocca dello stomaco = the pit of one’s stomach

    ESSERE DI BOCCA BUONA, to not be a picky eater

    ‘Per la cena di stasera non ti preoccupare: siamo tutti di bocca buona’

    ‘Don’t worry about tonight’s dinner: we’re not picky eaters’

    LASCIARE A BOCCA APERTA, to leave somebody open-mouthed, to surprise/ shock somebody!

    ‘Quando Chiara mi ha detto che si era innamorata di Dario, mi ha lasciata a bocca aperta!!’ —

    ‘When Chiara told me that she had fallen in love with Dario, she left me with my mouth wide open!!’

    RIMANERE A BOCCA APERTA: to be left open-mouthed, utterly surprised, astonished 

    ‘Quando ho visto il suo regalo, sono rimasta a bocca aperta! Era lo stesso che le avevo fatto io!’ —

    ‘When I saw her gift, I was left open-mouthed: it was the same one I had got her!’

    LASCIARE/ RESTARE A BOCCA ASCIUTTA: to leave with a dry mouth, to leave somebody unsatisfied, to not give somebody what they expected or to be left with a dry mouth, unsatisfied

    ‘Siamo usciti per tre volte e mi ha lasciata a bocca asciutta!!’ —

    ‘We went on three dates and he left me with a dry mouth!’

    A CAVAL DONATO NON SI GUARDA IN BOCCA, literally ‘ You don’t look inside of the mouth of a horse that has been gifted’, you can’t criticize or be too fussy about something that has been gifted to you!

    FARE LA BOCCA A QUALCOSA — to get used to the idea of something (usually positive and exciting) happening.

    ‘Cosa? Non ci sono più biglietti per il concerto di stasera? Dai!!! Ci avevo fatto la bocca’ —

    ‘What? There are no more tickets for tonight’s concert? Come on!! I got used to the idea!’

    ‘Piove! Non possiamo andare al mare oggi! Che peccato, ci avevo fatto la bocca…’ —

    ‘ It’s raining, we can’t go to the beach today…what a pity! I really thought we were gonna go!’

    RIFARSI LA BOCCA — Literally to redo your mouth. It’s an expression we use to say we got rid of a bad taste in our mouth. Not only literal about food, but also referring to a bad situation that has been deleted in favor of a good one

    ‘Dopo quell’orribile cena mi sono rifatta la bocca con un ottimo gelato!’ —

    ‘After that terrible dinner, I cleaned my mouth with an excellent gelato!’

    ‘Dopo quell’orribile appuntamento con Michele, mi sono rifatta la bocca uscendo con Carlo’ —

    ‘After that terrible date with Michele, I got rid of the bad sensations going out with Carlo’

    TOGLIERE/ STRAPPARE LE PAROLE DI BOCCA — to to take the words out of someone’s mouth or to tear off, drag something out of somebody

    ‘Wow, mi hai tolto le parole di bocca…’ —

    ‘Wow, you took the words out of my mouth, you spoke my mind before I could even express myself’

    You expressed exactly what I was thinking.

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