A familiar face appears with root touching crown and we are reminded of the obelisk that sits so grounded and yet reaches toward the heavens. We have the opportunity to rebalance ourselves, to connect root to crown and fill ourselves with the positive and balanced energy of a free-flowing system. Right on cue we rise to the second chakra and remind ourselves that we are the source of our emotions, and that we are not moved by them, but are the one doing the moving. Next we consider how we exchange energy with others as we work toward balance, how to not inflict ourselves on others, but to exchange and improve ourself and others at the same time. We return to the root as the 10 of seeds shows us that our seeds, our creations and creativity will continue on for generations, and that we must be in balance for those seeds to grow roses and not weeds. To cap it off, we rise to the 5th and 6th chakras and look at how we interact with others and how that affects what we see and say. The reading was a patient one that laid out a path to balance. And it is a cyclical journey, but a spiral moving ever inward and upward.