In this interview Dr Gabe speaks with Carmen Hunter. Carmen Hunter is a Certified Coach, Mom, Lifelong Student, Educator, Peace Seeker, Mentor, Guide, Friend, and Caretaker of Hearts. She offers compassionate support and guidance to individuals facing mental or emotional turmoil, life issues, and chronic stress. With 18 years of personal and professional experience, her coaching approach values life experience over formal degrees. She believes you can Refined Your Life and that your life is waiting for you. It’s there under the surface of struggle. If you are ready to remove the veil of what’s covering up your true self and the joy and peace you seek, there is hope. She can be found on IG @peaceseeker1 or by direct contact To find Dr Gabe's book From Pain to Purpose For more information about The Subconscious Healer #thesubconscioushealer #podcast #carmenhunter