What you'll learn about in this episode:
Tradeshows and conventions, an important networking, educational and marketing element in any industry were impacted by the pandemic. As things open up, and attendance improves to pre-pandemic levels, attendees find themselves in a position to be more intentional about why they attend, and more strategic in their approach.
As the ACA convention is a week away we'll pick the brains of some of this year's attendees, road warriors, and veterans of the trade show game to ask them for tips and tricks, and how they make the most of the trade show experience.
Key Takeaways
Things you don't want to miss this year
The benefits of attending this event
Tips or tricks help maximize your experience
Reid Miller DAKCS Software
Website: https://www.dakcs.com/
Email: Kmiller@dakcs.com
LinkedIn: Company https://www.linkedin.com/company/dakcs-software-systems-inc./
LinkedIn: Personal https://www.linkedin.com/in/reid-miller-25a52061/
Harry Strausser III Applied Innovation
Website: https://www.appliedinnovationinc.com/
Email: hstrausser@appliedinnovationinc.com
LinkedIn: Company https://www.linkedin.com/company/applied-innovation-inc-/
LinkedIn: Personal https://www.linkedin.com/in/harry-strausser-iii-7413106/
Tim Collins InDebted
Website: https://www.indebted.co/en-US
LinkedIn: Company https://www.linkedin.com/company/indebted/
LinkedIn: Personal https://www.linkedin.com/in/collins12/
Ashley Campanella Arbeit Software
Website: https://www.arbeitsoftware.com/
Email: ashley@arbeitsoftware.com
LinkedIn: Company https://www.linkedin.com/company/arbeit-software/
LinkedIn: Personal https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-campanella-240a53132/
Additional Resources:
ACA Convention & Expo Info