Episode 252 (Season 8, Episode 5)
Tighten Up Your Lead Followup
Before you can have a tight business, you need a tight you! How’s do you perform on the “sit-and-reach” test? Can you do the splits? Do you jog?
Go ahead and test all those things, send us the results, and then continue to listen to this podcast episode where we dive deep into tightening up your lead gen followup!
One of the biggest things we agents omit in real estate business is the people we already know that will eventually be engaging in a real estate transaction. We get their attention but we don’t keep their attention. That’s where we need to refine our lead follow up game!
For tips on how to do that, give this episode a good listen…after you are able to do your splits, of course.
- How’s your squat game? [2:20]
- Side-to-side splits are pretty tough [3:48]
- What’s your sit-and-reach PR? [4:43]
- Do you run much? [7:45]
- Lead followup is the bread and butter of our business [10:12]
- Ginormous was coined by the movie Elf [11:57]
- First step: analyze your lead gen follow up [13:04]
- Where do you stand on Google Sheets versus Microsoft Excel? [16:20]
- Step two: figure out what needs to be modified [19:39]
- Do you have a viable CTA (Call To Action) [21:21]
- Cornfed Criminals! [23:40]
- Christian is an anti-secter [25:19]
- John Wooden’s criminal ties [28:31]
- Put it all together: Analyze, modify, and then add! [31:49]
- Action Step: Identify your Top 10 Leads and make that your frog! [32:39]
- Sign up to be coached by The Boom Team: boomrealestatepodcast.com/coaching
- How to train to do the splits: https://www.wikihow.com/Do-the-Splits-in-a-Week-or-Less
- This site doesn’t actually work right now: boomninjawow.com
- Fun Facts about Rob Lowe: https://www.ranker.com/list/rob-lowe-facts-whoa/elle-tharp
- Sheets vs. Excel: https://zapier.com/blog/google-sheets-vs-excel/
- 99 facts about John Wooden: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2010-jun-13-la-sp-wooden-99-20100613-story.html
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