Aaah... auctions; is there another topic which keeps us Gaia Project nerds arguing for days with the same passion?
I don't think so. Listen to my take on it, so you as well can disagree with... someone. That'll be fantastic.
Yes, it includes a full guide on how the Boardgame Arena auction system works.
Here's the timestamp:
00:00 Introduction
07:05 Sectors rotation
09:53 What are auctions?
11:10 Classic auctions
12:59: BGA/DIGIDICED style auctions
14:49 BGA auctions tutorial
21:04 Classic auctions pros and cons
22:47 BGA auctions pros and cons
25:32 Auctions are pointless, here’s why
35:15 I want a tournament with rotation
36:42 Suggestions for classic auctions
39:46 Suggestions for BGA/DIGIDICED auctions
42:22 Conclusions
Come argue on the famous Gaia Project "Fight Club" Discord, take a side and die on your hill, no matter the actual facts:
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