Dean and Jack start with an immediate reaction to the card suggesting that morality and ethics are set and stable. That with our instincts we simply know what is right and true. But we are reminded that even thought what is, still is, what will be is still coming. That even though we have made this action, this decision, this moral outpouring, we must still work to balance it with our own internal compass and evaluate the effects that though tempered by our context, are still true and real and must be dealt with. We are both perfect, and can still be better. Take from others, learn from them, even when you despise or hate them, what can they show you about yourself and the morality and ethics you are making for yourself. Don’t get stuck here. Your journey is one of joys and griefs, but you can’t be bogged down by things that would anchor you to the ground. You are given joy along the journey, and that is why you take it. With this contemplation, sit for a moment with the heat of your flames of action. Let the inspiration that dances in them fill you with ideas and creativity, that which truly makes us human.