Show notes – Episode 3
Kam gets Iggy to open up about his family and living circumstances that led to his very first crime. Don’t worry though, it’s not all feelings and sad tales of juvenile delinquency! We talk about those very first crimes that kids and young adults commit, including a famous author who went from stealing apples to armed robbery and how those first “gateway crimes” lead to future offenses.
Kathleen Michon, accessed on Juvenile Court: An Overview When Juveniles are Tried in Adult Criminal Court Sealing Juvenile Court Records
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – Statistical Briefing Book;
Pub Med – Community Ment Health K, 2001 Aug; 37(4): 347-58. Is stealing a gateway crime? By E R Taylor, J Kelly, S Valescu, G S Reynolds, J Sherman, V German
Mungan, Murat C., Gateway Crimes (August 22, 2016). Alabama Law Review, Forthcoming, George Mason Law & Economics Research Paper No. 16-36, available at SSRN: – Noel “Razor” Smith