We look at Spotify's Billions Club, and discuss how some people are trying to discover the must unplayed music. Help support The Next Track by making regular donations via Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/thenexttrack). We're ad-free and self-sustaining so your support is what keeps us going. Thanks! Show notes: No Dylan but loads of Coldplay! What the songs with a billion streams on Spotify tell us about music taste today (https://www.theguardian.com/music/2025/jan/17/no-dylan-but-loads-of-coldplay-what-the-songs-with-a-billion-streams-on-spotify-tell-us-about-music-taste-today) Vintage Obscura (https://vintageobscura.net) Lefsetz Letter: Apple Music’s Per Stream Payment (https://lefsetz.com/wordpress/2025/01/16/21609/) Our next tracks: Morton Feldman: Two Pianos and other pieces, 1953-1969 (https://anothertimbre.bandcamp.com/album/two-pianos-and-other-pieces-1953-1969) Steel Pulse: Tribute to the Martyrs (https://amzn.to/4hyApJL) If you like the show, please subscribe in iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-next-track/id1116242606) or your favorite podcast app, and please rate the podcast.