This podcast episode, “Black Women, SCOTUS, and the Politics of Post-Truth Racism,” looks at the preliminary racist reaction to a Black woman nominee for the United States Supreme Court—with brief notes on the SCOTUS nomination’s connection to historical events surrounding the cases of Lani Guinier (1993) and Anita Hill (1991).
Key words: Racism, Lani Guinier, The Tyranny of the Majority: Fundamental Fairness in Representative Democracy, Lift Every Voice Turning a Civil Rights Setback into a New Vision of Social Justice, Black Women, SCOTUS, President Bill Clinton, Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, SCOTUS shortlist 2022, Thurgood Marshall, President Joe Biden, Electoral politics, Anoa Changa, ABC News poll, Paul Rosenberg, Fake News, Miriam Ma’at Ka Re Monges, Maat (Kemetic Goddess), Maulana Karenga, Maat the Moral Ideal in Ancient Egypt, Post-Truth, Personal Reflection.
The Invention of Racism is published with periodic bonus and micro-podcast episodes included in the series.
© 2022 TIR Podcast Group.
Follow Dr. Bankole-Medina on Twitter: @KBankoleMedina
Bonus: Slide/Presentation — “Maat and the Feather of Truth,”
February 25, 2022—President Biden Nominates Ketanji Brown Jackson to Serve on The U.S. Supreme Court
About Professor Katherine Bankole-Medina: