This podcast episode examines how AI (Artificial intelligence), principally CHAT-GPT, challenges faculty and students in higher education by “crowd sourcing” extant digital knowledge and how it defines concepts like racism.
Key Words: Racism, Higher Education, White Supremacy, CHAT-GPT, Student Cheating, AI Tools, Calculators, AI Language Models, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), University Faculty, Ethics, Plagiarism, Opinion, Criminal Justice System, Transatlantic Slave Trade, Professor Ngozi Okidegbe, “Commission on Artificial Intelligence Competitiveness, Inclusion, and Innovation” (The U.S. Chamber of Commerce), Coded Bias (2020), Shalini Kantayya, Joy Buolamwini, Algorithmic Justice League, The South East London Girl.
The Invention of Racism is published with periodic bonus and micro-podcast episodes included in the series.
© 2023 TIR Podcast Group.
Follow Dr. Bankole-Medina on Twitter: @KBankoleMedina
Notes: 1) Post COVID-19 infections and complications have significantly impacted the delivery of our podcast series. Thanks to our listener-supporters for reaching out; and 2) see the podcast series Disclaimer statement on TIR Podcast Group responsibility.
About Professor Katherine Bankole-Medina: