We're taking a break from our series on the Doctrines of Grace to discuss the recent event known as the Asbury Revival. Is it a true work of the Holy Spirit? What concerns are raised by it? We are joined by a special guest to discuss these and other matters revolving around Asbury. Be sure to look at the links below for additional resources and takes on what has been going on.
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Resource Links:
Fighting for the Faith, Is the Asbury Revival a True Revival?
Right Response Ministries, Can Anything Good Come From Asbury?
Justin Peters Ministries, Let's Talk About Asbury
Conversations That Matter, The Asbury Revival: Is It Real?
The Sword and the Trowel, Revival: True or False? What's Happening at Asbury University?
G3 Ministries, What Should We Make of the Asbury Revival?