Yellowhammer finds a new team-up buddy in one of the city's most famous heroes, Kid Megaton. Meanwhile, Cash and Molly team-up to form a new theater company and meet an ambitious new friend. And Jimmy is cornered by an enthusiastic museum guest who's a tad too interested in the King Beetle, one of the most fiendish foes in history.
Written and edited by Patrick Duke
Laurin Skarr as Kirby
Chrisi Talyn Saje as Bailey
Kayce Swan as Cash
Marine Warner as Molly
Logan Smith as Jimmy
and Patrick Duke as Brandon
Rebecca Olivia as Kid Megaton
Sage Pazera as Puck
Tony Heough as Albatross
Marnie Warner as Goldfinch
Patrick Duke as Mr. Kingfisher
and Ankylosaurus Rex and himself
Logo/art by David Cummings
Newsreel, by Max Surla
Day of Recon (sting), by Max Surla
Sound Effects courtesy
robinhood176, pfranzen, jason130178, rodincoil, 123agumon, gwmx, stintx, mich3d, danarobinsondesign, d-w, abcbicycle, FUNAI, leonalmail, benboncan, evil-dog, natty23, inspectorJ, the_bizniss