Lori Burger is the District Vice Principal of Indigenous Education, Equity and Excellence on the traditional territory of the Ts'msyen Nation in School District #52 (Prince Rupert). Burger is from the Nisga'a and Cree Nations in (what's presently known as) Saskatchewan. She is passionate about uplifting Indigenous voices in her communities. Lori reflects upon how the Spirals of Inquiry has given her a framework to be continuously curious, and supports her in shifting the educational narrative of the most marginalized students in her community.
Connect with the Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education:
Visit the home of the Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education (https://noiie.ca)
Purchase tickets for the Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education Symposium (https://noiie.ca/symposium/)
Follow on X @noiie_bc (https://twitter.com/noiie_bc)
Books written by Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser:
Leading Through Spirals of Inquiry: For Equity and Quality
Leadership Mindsets: Innovation and Learning in the Transformation of Schools
Connect with the Host:
On X @MissAshleyAoki (https://twitter.com/MissAshleyAoki)
On LinkedIn @AshleyAoki (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-aoki-88510328b/)
Connect with Lori Burger:
On X @loriburger7 (https://twitter.com/LoriBurger7)
Background Music by Jeffrey Lorne