A fun-filled, laughter infused episode where we discuss the best singles, EP's and albums out in the past few weeks! While we play catch-up on the new music, we discuss everything from Jacklyn's R&B convo stopper single to Cory Wong's rise to funky king!
ALSO! We are proud partners with Eargasm -- the best high fidelity earplugs you'll ever have! They have saved our hearing at a few concerts recently, and we both now can't live without them. Since you're a GRRRL fan, we have a 10% off code for you! Type in "GRRRL" at checkout to get your discount!
You can always find the music we talk about in our Bops & Bangers playlist on our Spotify!
Follow us on Instagram, TikTok, + sign up for our newsletter! You can also email us: admin@grrrlmusic.com!
BREAK SONG: "Libra" - Kat and the Hurricane
ARTISTS WE MENTION: Big Wild, Telenova, PUP + more!
Sherman Xu provides our brand new theme song, you can find his artist page @sakebythewater!