Steve & Izzy continue 2025 the Year of the Apocalypse, where they celebrate movies after the fall of man, as they are joined by Steve Stones of the Plan 9 Crunch Podcast to discuss 1964's "The Last Man on Earth" starring Vincent Price, a bunch of Italians & more!!! Are these vampires? Zombies? Vampies? Zompires? Is Vincent Price the basis of Mr. Burns? What would you do with all the free time in the world? What future episodes do we tease?!? Let's find out!!! So kick back, grab a few brews, debate slow versus fast zombies, and enjoy!!! This episode is proudly sponsored by Untidy Venus, your one-stop shop for incredible art & gift ideas at and be sure to follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & Patreon at @UntidyVenus for all of her awesomeness!!! Try it today!!! Twitter - Facebook - Etsy - TeePublic - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit