Jacqueline Taylor is the Principal of Silver Star Elementary in School District #22 (Vernon). She completed the Transformational Educational Leadership Program (TELP) through UBC and reflects on how her experiences shaped the way she led her team through the pandemic. Jacqueline also reflects on the way the Spirals of Inquiry framework supported her to empower her educators (and how this has created a positive energy of professional development and learning!)
Connect with the Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education:
Visit the home of the Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education (https://noiie.ca)
Purchase tickets for the Network of Inquiry and Indigenous Education Symposium (https://noiie.ca/symposium/)
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Books written by Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser:
Leading Through Spirals of Inquiry: For Equity and Quality
Leadership Mindsets: Innovation and Learning in the Transformation of Schools
Connect with the Host:
On X @MissAshleyAoki (https://twitter.com/MissAshleyAoki)
On LinkedIn @AshleyAoki (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-aoki-88510328b/)
Connect with Jacqueline Taylor:
On X @SilverStarElem (https://twitter.com/SilverStarElem)
Read Jacqueline's article 'From Surviving to Thriving': (buff.ly/3U4rhnM)
Background Music by Jeffrey Lorne