The holidays can be a time of joy, but also a time of complex emotions for those touched by adoption. In this episode of Constellation Conversations, we shift our focus to the adults in the adoption constellation – adult adoptees and first families. Join Sarah, an adult adoptee and trauma therapist and Brenda, an adoptive parent in an open adoption, as they explore the unique challenges and opportunities that the holidays can bring.
Many assume that adoption means a "forever family," but the reality is more nuanced. We discuss the longing for connection that many adoptees experience, especially during the holidays, and how this can be amplified for those who may not have a strong family connection. We also explore the complex emotions that first families navigate as they approach traditional family events with a non-traditional family structure, whether they have an open adoption or not.
➡️ Holiday Tips for Adoptees and First Families: Click Here to Access this Free Resource
This week, we offer some guidance for navigating the complexities of the holiday season.
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