I hope you’re ready for a treat! I had this chat with Nadine Kelly in 2018 – we met through a podcasting fellowship and she kindly agreed to be interviewed for the show.
Nadine is a physician-turned-entrepreneur, who teaches yoga and curates beautiful spaces for people – in particular, women. Her website, Yogi MD, lists her purpose as “empowering & educating women to care for mind, body, & spirit” and I think you’ll hear in this interview that’s exactly what she excels in. Some of my takeaways from this conversation include:
- A gentle and polite no as a practice of self-care
- Practice, practice, practice
- Work to get through the noise to what is right for you
- Health has to be a focus on the whole person
Oh, and she’s a martial artist (!).
I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did, and as always, please feel to share your thoughts and consider subscribing to the podcast!