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Join Dr Molly Moffat and me, Lizzie Bean, as we talk all things Christmas... Asking the questions, are you wrapping it in light or duty?
Come with us as we try and pour some thoughtful expletives on the stuff that drives so many of us mad, in our pursuit of creating the perfect Christmas. The "Happiest" day of the year...
This podcast, our gift to you, to take the pressure off, and realign to the magic of love, light and simplicity... Remembering, this Christmas, to gift yourself, some presence...
Thank you for dropping in to our world.
If you have any ideas, stories, ideologies, cultural demands, you’d like to see, wrapped in some Bean Human magic… Please get in touch with us
And come and join us in this revolution of radical self acceptance, compassion and truth.
Follow Lizzie Bean on Insta and Facebook @beanology1
And Dr Molly @drmollymoffat
We can't wait to meet you...