There’s nothing like your health to make you feel defeated. There’s nothing like health that makes us feel so much shame about where we’re at. Because our bodies are OUR BODIES, they’re the homes we live in here on earth - the enemy can often use our health to keep us from experiencing abundance, freedom, joy, and peace.
In this episode, we are joined by Jess’s friend, health coach, and author of The Good Food Solution, Meredyth Fletcher. Meredyth discusses how your journey isn’t about trying the next fad diet or seeking a quick fix—it’s about finding the right balance for YOU. Like Meredyth is with Jess and Jess’s family, she will encourage you wherever you find yourself on your health journey.
If you feel defeated and sick, this episode is for you. If you love discussing health, this episode is for you.
Let’s go.
Don’t Miss:
Don’t forget to pick up Meredyth’s book, The Good Food Solution.. Also, are you interested in working with Meredyth? Head to this link to learn more!
Tired of Being Tired is now out! Click the link to get your copy, + make sure to share it with your family and friends.