The jazz musicians of the bird world, the Gray Catbird has both an impressive vocal repertoire and a unique ability to improvise. Join Dr. John in the summer woods of French Creek, West Virginia as he tells you everything you need to know about the Gray Catbird! While their vocalizations are the highlight, they also have some interesting breeding facts: especially their communal attitude towards other songbirds such as robins! Finally, their amazing evolutionary history is also explained in detail. Come learn about this bird right meow!
Intro song by Ricky Pistone, Outro by the Sidewalk Slammers
All bird calls are from
Intro Meow by Matt Wistrand
Catbird Song 1 by Matt Wistrand
Catbird Imitation by Richard E. Webster
Mockingbird song by Ron Overholtz
Brown Thrasher song by Richard E. Webster
Catbird Song 2 by Bobby Wilcox
Cat Meow Call: Russ Wigh
Alarm call by Richard E. Webster
Jay like call by Manuel Grosselat