In this episode, I’m gonna be discussing how in the Bible it says to come as you are, but the question is, are you coming as you are as far as being the person that you truly are, and that you want to be is based on God’s standards, or as the devil and society standards. This one’s going to probably cut deep, because my whole entire life coaching business stems upon making that decision when it comes to recovery. It’s just like when I do my videos I show what I really look like flaws and all because I’m coming as I am when it comes to the way that God created me. As well as showing the damage that has been done to me. so in order for you to come as you are based upon God, standers is showing the truth about yourself to others. Whereas society standards is about covering up your flaws, imperfections, disabilities, or any mistakes that you’ve made in your past and becoming a representation of yourself. I told you this is gonna be very very deep as far as this because a lot of people are not gonna be able to handle it. Because majority of people are not being who they truly are, they’re being societies version of themselves as far as the representation of themselves based upon what other people think of them. People who are being their true selves, and not worrying about what other people think about them, versus them being who they truly are, and accepting and loving the person they are flaws and all. I hope you guys are ready for this conversation, because a lot of you are not being who you truly are based on how God created you to be. You are being what society is telling you that you should be in order to benefit them and not yourself.
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