This is part 2 of Melonee's conversation with her longtime "lil brother" friend Barry, and now that you've seen the muscles on the OTPWF IG and Facebook, can you tell she's not affected by his Barry Manilow-Barry White one-legged bowlegged charm? They talk all things eat, pray, phuck on the show and in real life. This convo even unearths Melonee's "eye problem" with West African men. Not only is he our podcast's biggest supporter, but he is a true testament of what it means to be an honest, loving, and loyal friend. Steve Harvey says he can't be friends with women but it's obvious that Barry is a different kind of guy who can talk about anything without blurring the lines. We're still trying to dismantle and analyze that dynamic with his 20+ year workout and Mediterranean diet hovering over this conversation. This is a 2 part episode on the awesomely arrogant Aries fueled friendship and we get to dive into B's therapy journey and whether he's ready to love again. We'll keep ya'll posted on when the divorce is final.
Here's Barry's theme song since 2004 and YES, we have the contact information for his Orlando-based Blacktino therapist:
Dr Ronald Byrd-Cordova |