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A brief dive into what makes us angry… Delivered with all the usual “charm”
How this life is full of things that can trigger the “rage”, recognising we only have so many shits to give, and how anger really can be a tour de force when trying to shake up narratives that are whispered to only ever make us feel ugly.
An invitation, for you to join us… To change the script… So the children growing in our wake, can ride the lights waves of self celebration, not doubt!
It’s tiny changes… That count.
In person event… Monday 7pm March 3rd. Come and join the radical revolution of self compassion, acceptance and ultimately joy…
All love
Lizzie and Molly
Thank you for dropping in to our world.
If you have any ideas, stories, ideologies, cultural demands, you’d like to see, wrapped in some Bean Human magic… Please get in touch with us
And come and join us in this revolution of radical self acceptance, compassion and truth.
Follow Lizzie Bean on Insta and Facebook @beanology1
And Dr Molly @drmollymoffat
We can't wait to meet you...