You would think that this would be over, correct? You’d be wrong. A brief update of the last few months….
Lauren Neidigh on LO Autism claim
Graphic Designer shows how LO could fake belly photos
Reality Steve & Dave Neal with Rachel Juarez from Hot Bench
Lauren Neidigh on DG copy right claim, Judge complain on DG, etc Why lawyer thinks LO will lose appeal
Dave Neal talks with PS Creative about LO complaints
Lauren Neidigh on LO lies about PS Creative
Lauren Neidigh on Gingras Reddit email
Dave Neal on Gingras Reddit email
Dave Neal on LO fraud with PS Creative
Lauren Niedigh w/ PS Creative on LO fraud
Music & clip art: royalty free. Music: I Am Daylight / Funky Cat *** DISCLAIMER***
All content comes from court records/public documentation. All commentary & opinions are MY OWN. All content is publicly available & not under copyright. Fair Use applies.