Diving into the first & second victims.
***Trigger Warnings: pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, lying, fraud, cancer, abuse, suicidal thoughts***
There may be a few points where I refer to Laura as "Jane." This is just a mistake on my part because for the longest time, she was referred to as Jane Doe. I am not a professional & mistakes will be made. Please be a bit forgiving.
Links to documents/videos mentioned in this episode:
Link to Lawyer letter about Victim 1
Link to (fake) ovarian cancer marker test
Doctor's "letter to boyfriend"
Link to another doctor's letter to BF
Link to HCG test where results should be flagged as high
Link to declaration of witness on father admitting pregnancy faking
Link to family court transcript
Link to Megan Fox interview with MM
Music & clip art: royalty free. Music: I Am Daylight / Funky Cat
All content comes from court records/public documentation. All commentary & opinions are MY OWN. All content is publicly available & not under copyright. Fair Use applies.