
  • Before You Choose a Niche, Do This First!
    Sep 6 2023

    Before jumping in and doing the work to launch a life coaching, course creation, or membership site business, it's essential to think about the lifestyle you want to design for yourself. 

    As of late, everyone seems to be saying you should jump in and start choosing a niche, but before you even do that, you should do this first...

    ...design your ideal lifestyle.

    If you don't consider some of these things before jumping in with both feet, you may find yourself down the road with a frustrating business model that will steal your peace and joy.

    For access to all my free resources and to continue the conversation, join our group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/equiplaunch

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    4 min
  • Know, Like, and Trust - Is This Where Your Focus Should Be?
    Oct 14 2022

    The goal isn't to get them to know like and trust you. I say that's a self-centered approach. Do this instead! It will take off all the pressure when trying to create content for your ideal client avatar.

    Follow me for a minute (well, almost three minutes), if you will, and learn what my big Ah-Ha moment was this morning as I went through some old notes!

    Hope this takes the pressure off!
    Much Love,
    Megs ❤️️

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    3 min
  • Stop Looking at the Big Picture!
    May 24 2022

    Don't get lost in the weeds while building your online business.  This one easy-to-implement habit will help you immediately move the needle in your business!

    Have questions or need help?  Visit www.equiplaunch.com 

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    4 min