Dean Danielle Conway, head of Penn State Dickinson Law, joins the panel to discuss law school admissions. How can the law school admission process lead to systematic inequities? How has Penn State Dickinson Law adjusted its admissions process to address some of these sources of inequity? Can everybody benefit when procedures are changed to address diversity, equity, and inclusion?
This is the second of a 2-part mini-series focused on law school.
The paper discussed is: Danielle M. Conway, Bekah Saidman-Krauss & Rebecca Schreiber, Building an Antiracist Law School: Inclusivity in Admissions and Retention of Diverse Students-- Leadership Determines DEI Success, Forthcoming Rutgers Race & L. Rev. (2021).
Guest: Danielle Conway
Host: Tony Fernando
Panel: Schenley Kent, Seth Trott
Audio: Mohammed Saleem
Producer: Tony Fernando