
  • Championship Mentality: Who are you following?
    Dec 2 2021
    During this holiday season, take a look at who surrounds you and determine who you follow. We all put our trust and faith into somebody so make sure to choose wisely as we continue our journey towards Championship Mentality.
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    23 min
    Nov 25 2021
    Happy Thanksgiving from Ray Lewis and Team No Excuses! Championship Mentality continues next week!
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    3 min
  • Julian Edelman | Championship Mentality: Gratitude
    Nov 18 2021
    Ray Lewis and Julian Edelman have gone from rivals on the gridiron to partners on the big screen. This week, Julian joins Ray to discuss some memories from the past and what Julian describes as "happily miserable." Then Monte Sanders jumps in with this week's Championship Mentality principle: to be grateful in ALL circumstances!
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    45 min
  • Championship Mentality: Sharing Gratitude
    Nov 11 2021
    During the month of November, Ray Lewis and Monte Sanders will be discussing the importance of thanks, giving and gratitude. Today, they encourage you to give thanks to those who have positively impacted you while they are still with you.
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    28 min
  • Game Time with Michael Vick | Championship Mentality: Refocus
    Nov 4 2021
    This week, Michael Vick returns for a new Game Time segment as he and Ray Lewis discuss some teams and players at the half-way point in the season. Plus, Ray explains how refocusing will help continue your journey to Championship Mentality.
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    37 min
  • Championship Mentality: Being Still
    Oct 28 2021
    Are you always on the go? Even when you stop, does your mind continue to race? Today, Ray Lewis and Monte Sanders share their personal experiences with Being Still both in your body and mind. Being present in the moment will help you continue your journey to Championship Mentality.
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    29 min
  • Championship Mentality: Smile
    Oct 14 2021
    Have you smiled or laughed today? In this special episode the great Ray Lewis and 3-time America's Favorite Trainer Monte Sanders ask what makes you smile and laugh every day? Cherish those moments and continue your journey to Championship Mentality.
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    21 min
  • Championship Mentality: Trust
    Oct 7 2021
    The people around us help shape our journey and in this episode, Ray Lewis and Monte Sanders discuss how our trust in those people affects our day to day roadmap.
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    18 min